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Worker Statement on Smithsonian Strike


CONTACT: Zoe Bridges-Curry,, 904-476-8681

 Worker Statement on Smithsonian Strike

 In response to the Smithsonian’s claims that workers were not on strike last Thursday, Smithsonian worker Ana Hernandez released the following statement:

 “I have worked at the McDonald’s in the Air and Space Museum for nine years, and while my employer and the government make lots of money off of my work, I still only make $8.25 an hour. As a single mom, I struggle to afford the basics my family needs.

 “Imagine trying to raise your family on $11,000 a year. You have to make hard choices, like putting food on the table or paying the bills. Having electricity or buying clothes for your children. We deserve a living wage for the hard work we do – and that’s why we went on strike last week.

 “The most shocking exhibit at the Smithsonian is the poverty wages workers are earning while serving food at the largest museum in the world. And they won’t succeed in silencing our voices.”
