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President Obama Signs Fair Pay Safe Workplaces Executive Order to Protect Contract Workers.

If you work for a federal contractor and you believe you are a victim of wage theft, call 1-844-PAY-FAIR or click here to start the intake process.

Disclaimer: The use of the Internet, this form, or the PAY-FAIR telephone hotline for communication with the Good Jobs Nation or any individual member of its staff does not constitute legal advice, and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.

We Help America’s Contract Workers Fight Wage Theft & Labor Law Abuses

Good Jobs Nation has a proven track record of helping federal contract workers fight wage theft at the U.S. Senate, Pentagon and other landmark buildings in our nation’s capital.

  • Since 2013, our team has filed over 30 complaints with the U.S. Department of Labor on behalf of 1500 contract workers to recover over $5 million in stolen wages. In fact, we have helped workers at nearly every federal landmark in Washington, DC win back their stolen pay.

That’s why President Obama signed the Fair Pay Safe Workplaces Executive Order.

  • The Executive Order is designed to make sure that companies who do business with the U.S Government can no longer get away with stealing wages from their workers.

Good Jobs Nation launched a national wage theft hotline (1-844-PAY-FAIR) to use the President’s historic Executive Order to hold federal contractors accountable.

  • Our mission is to educate workers across the country about their legal rights and to provide free assistance to workers who may be victims of wage theft under federal laws like the Service Contract Act and the Davis-Bacon Act, but who don’t have legal representation or a union contract.

If you are a federal contract worker, there are 3 ways Good Jobs Nation can help you take advantage of the new Executive Order:

  1. 1. Investigation: Our team will review your pay-stubs and other documentation to determine whether your rights have been violated.
  3. 2. Legal Assistance: If Good Jobs Nation determines a violation has occurred, we will help you and your co-workers file complaints with the U.S. Department of Labor.
  5. 3. Advocacy: Good Jobs Nation will actively engage with federal labor officials to make sure your case is resolved quickly.
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