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Sometimes in America, when low-paid workers stand up…

…and speak out even the President of the United States takes notice. This is one of those moments.Huffington Post

Workers and their allies who have called on the President “to take executive action for low-paid federal contractors welcomed the news. The decision follows a push by liberal lawmakers for Obama to take action as well as a series of one-day strikes by fast food workers at the Pentagon and Smithsonian who called on Obama for a hike in wages.” – USA Today

“I have been at the Pentagon job eight years. I work hard every day. And I haven’t even gotten a quarter raise…I did the strike for more money and benefits … I am trying to help my family out.” – Jerome Hardy, The Guardian

These workers, members of Good Jobs Nation, went on strike to win “a three-pronged executive order that would significantly hike contracted workers’ wages, strengthen enforcement of labor law against scofflaw contractors, and beef up workers’ organizing rights…” Salon

“Obama signaled during his State of the Union address that he would fulfill one of those requests, promising an executive order” boost worker pay. – The Washington Post

“Obama finally picked up that pen and did his thing…I’ll finally be able to pay my bills.” – Melissa Roseboro, Smithsonian Museum McDonald’s worker, TIME

“This is a very big deal…because government contracts can be lucrative, and so many private enterprises want federal work, this presidential move on wages is about as significant an economic move as Obama can make on his own. – MSNBC (Rachel Maddow Blog)

“The feds buy half-a-trillion of goods and services each year, and there’s no reason they can’t have a say in the quality of jobs they’re helping to support with these contracts. When it comes to the low-wage labor market, shouldn’t the federal government be part of the solution rather than part of the problem? ” – former White House advisor Jared Bernstein, MSNBC

Today, after years of Congressional inaction on job creation and rising inequality, President Obama is on solid ground—both constitutionally and politically—in using executive power to protect and expand opportunity.”The Hill

“Fifteen senators, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and 50 House members, led by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), had sent letters to the president urging him to exercise his executive authority.” – Politico

“The president has made it clear that employees working for government contractors should not be paid starvation wages.” – US Sen. Bernie Sanders, Wall Street Journal

This is “an important step in dealing with [inequality] issues. The precedent of saying these are public dollars and they’re going to be used for public good…opens up other possibilities,” – US Rep. Raul Griljalva, TIME

“The big picture is that there has been an erosion in the past in economic security for working people…pay has stagnated over the course of decades…This an important signal…it means the Obama administration is doing what it can do to get out of this low wage economy.” – US Rep. Keith Ellison, The Washington Post

“[T]he President’s decision is symbolically significant” because it keeps the spotlight on the issue of good jobs,” former NYT columnist Bob Herbert, Democracy Now

It means “that Obama is on our side, not Ronald McDonald’s side.” – Alexis Vasquez, Smithsonian McDonald’s worker, In These Times

“Obama’s words have given Wal-Mart employees renewed hope. ‘The fact that he’s addressing the problem makes me feel very confident that he could change America,’ Tiffany Beroid, a Wal-Mart employee, said.” – International Business Times

Thank you to everyone who stood with us…the fight to make America a Good Jobs Nation continues!

Watch the THANK YOU VIDEO from Good Jobs Nation workers & tell the President you support his leadership by signing our THANK YOU note!