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I work at the US Capitol and KFC. Colonel Sanders pays me more than Uncle Sam

By Sonia Bailet

I want the Senators I serve to know that working two poverty-wage jobs has taken a terrible toll on my body and my health.   Three weeks ago, I lost my baby boy.  I had a miscarriage in my home at 3amI don’t remember much – I lost so much blood that I had to have several transfusions – but I do remember waking up in a hospital and learning that my son was dead.    No mother should have wake up to say “Goodbye sweetie” to the baby in their arms.   Needless to say, my fiancé and I were devastated.   I couldn’t even afford to grieve – I had to get back to work so I could pay for a decent funeral for my son.  I’m sharing my story because I feel like the Senators I serve, some of whom are running to be President, are really out of touch with struggles of everyday people like me who are stuck in low-wage jobs.  I want Senators to know that real problem facing workers is that despite working long hours, we can’t manage to get ahead and stay ahead.  The real problem we face is low-pay.

Read the full article here.