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What a 1 year-old can do will SHOCK you!

One year ago today low-wage federal contract workers launched Good Jobs Nation to call on the President to use his executive powers to turn 2 million federally-supported poverty jobs into good ones.

Since then, these brave workers went on strike 7 times in 7 months at landmark federal buildings like the Pentagon and Smithsonian Museums – and there’s so many reasons to celebrate!

Our 1st Anniversary TOP 10 Victories (DRUM ROLL!)…

1) President Obama used the State of the Union to announce that he would lead by example and issue an historic executive order raising pay for federal contract workers to $10.10 an hour …

2) Elected officials across the country – like the Mayors of Philadelphia & New York City – said they too would follow the President’s lead and boost pay for their contract workers …

3) The CEOs of private companies like the Gap, Delta Airlines and American Airlines announced they would follow the President’s example and raise wages to $10.10 an hour …

4) The US Labor Department extended health & welfare pay to food contract workers at military bases – that means Pentagon McDonalds’ workers will get $14.00 in total hourly compensation…

5) The Labor Department also opened investigations into wage theft at two of America’s largest federal buildings, Ronald Reagan Building and Union Station.

6) Uncle Sam was arrested for stealing wages from workers

7) Antonio Vanegas, who was threatened with deportation after speaking out about making $6.50 in a federal food court, won the right to stay in America and keep fighting …

8) Uncle Sam was caught in bed with Ronald McDonald Ronald McDonald - Uncle Sam

9) The President and Congress agreed to slash CEO government contractor pay by 50 percent!…

10) President Obama – who said that 2014 will be a Year of Action on income inequality – issued new executive orders to encourage equal pay and expand overtime

Want to know what we’re going to do in our second year??? Stay informed. Follow us on twitter and Facebook