Who Bankrolls America’s Top Law Breakers?

Of the Top 100 Corporations Guilty of Wage Theft 35% are Federal Contractors
Of the Top 100 Corporations Guilty of Health & Safety Violations 48% are Federal Contractors


Acting Responsibly? Federal Contractors Frequently Put Workers’ Lives and Livelihoods at Risk

This investigation by the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Senate Committee is an analysis of two enforcement databases maintained by the Department of Labor (DOL). The DOL’s Wage and Hours Division (WHD) and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). The HELP committee staff found that almost 30 percent of the top violators of federal wage and safety laws are also current federal contractors. Overall, 49 federal contractors amassed a startling 1,776 separate enforcement actions in six years. These 49 companies received $81 billion in federal contracts in fiscal year 2012, and were assessed a total of $196 million in penalties for neglecting to pay workers earned wages or failing to uphold safe working conditions. For the full report, click here.